Home Link

Problem summary

The user needs to go back to a safe start location of the site.


No items found.


  • Create a link to the starting point or front page of the website on the site’s logo on every single page on the website.
  • If the site does not have a logo, then create a link to the front page of the website with the text ‘Home’.
  • The link and/or linked images should always be in the same location on all pages.
  • If the website has more than one home, then be sure to make the distinction in linking between the root home and the local home.


It has become a standard in webdesign, that the site’s logo is always linked to a safe start location for the user. Normally, this is the front page of the site, but it could also be the front page of a section in the site, or some other safe start location for the user.


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