You want to attract users to purchase products using an incentive.
Create a field specifically for entering a coupon / promotional code. Entering a code gives the customer a certain amount of discount depending on what code has been entered. On the merchants side, a number of different codes can be constructed in order to 1) measure where your customers come from and have heard of you and 2) allow different discount rates for different groups.
Coupons give access to a variety of discounts and offers. The most common are:
Using coupons codes to attract customers to buy a merchants product builds on the customer’s assumption that the offer is short lived, why action must be taken soon in order not to loose the psychological gain created by receiving the coupon code. As losses are mentally valued with greater weight than gains, the customer will be aversive towards losing the gain given and act on it while time is. Check out the Value Function as proposed by Tversky and Kahneman, 1991: Loss Aversion in Riskless Choice.
Another benefit of Coupon codes its traceability. Marketeers can branch out different codes to find out which campaign generated the most leads.
This and others patterns are available and ready to use in this massive Wireframe Bundle. Suitable for a wide variety of projects: Website and landing pages, Ecommerce, Dashboard, Flowchart and iOS.