Create high fidelity designs in minutes
Try different styles on all layouts at once, switch components to find the pattern you need and work with pre-set styles and constrains. You're in control.
UI Elements
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High Quality Template
This product is perfectly-crafted, well-organized and carefully structured.
Optimized for fast customization and quick prototyping.
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Wireframe for Landing Pages
200+ Layouts
- Headers
- Value proposition
- Content
- How it works
- Product features
- Benefits
- Testimonials
- Team
- FAQ – Frequent asked questions
- Pricing table
- market size / metrics
- Call to actions
- Contact
- Footer
- News
- Blog
- Ecommerce
- Sliders
- Portfolio
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Wireframe for iOS
144+ Layouts
- Splash
- Walkthrough
- Login
- Signup
- Loading
- Profile
- Feed
- Chat
- List
- E-commerce
- Article / Blog
- Gallery
- Menu
- Settings
- Map
- Chart
- Media
- Popup
- Miscellaneous
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Wireframe for E-commerce
180+ Layouts
- Navbars
- Headers
- Product Description
- Product Grids
- Sliders
- Checkout Process
- Testimonials & Reviews
- Catalog
- FAQ – Frequent asked questions
- Promo
- Content
- Contact
- Signup / Signin
- Miscellaneaous
- User Account
- Blog
- Store Profile
- Footer
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Complete world-class design projects in a fraction of the time
A massive wireframe suit collection for Web, iOS & E-commerce projects
Collection of 3 wireframe products that cover a great range of design tasks. Includes Wireland Wireframe for Web, iOS & E-commerce.
- Sketch App
- Figma (Coming soon)
- Adobe XD (Coming soon)
Web Wireframe
- 19 Categories
- 200 Layouts
- 1200+ UI Elements
iOS Wireframe
- 18 Categories
- 144+ Layouts
- 600+ UI Elements
E-commerce Wireframe
- 18 Categories
- 180 Layouts
- 1200+ UI Elements
Wireframe Bundle
Huge Library of Layouts, Components & UI Components
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Done using this product
Helping you Create High Quality Designs
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